Thursday, May 24, 2007

Citations and Footnote Styles

Miel 发表于 2007-01-05 15:27:17

Examples of MLA Style

Brown, Adam, David Deterding, and Low Ee Ling, eds. The English Language in Singapore: Research on Pronunciation. Singapore: Singapore Assn for Applied Linguistics, 2000.

Book Chapter
Bao, Zhiming. "The Sounds of Singapore English." English in New Cultural Contexts: Reflections from Singapore. Eds. Joseph A. Foley et al. Singapore: Singapore Institute of Management, 1998. 152-74.

Journal Article
Goh, Christine C. M. "The Level Tone in Singapore English." English Today: The International Review of the English Language 14.1 (1998): 50-53.

Newspaper Article
Lee, Jane. "Sars: Parents Keep Pre-school Kids at Home." The Straits Times 26 Mar. 2003: 1.

Anonymous Article
"Choral Music to Bring Youth Together." Africa News Service 25 Jun. 2002 : 1.

Khoo, Sim Eng. "The construction of a Chinese-American feminine identity in film." Diss. National U of Singapore, 1998.

Conference Paper
Ho, Chee Lick. "Words in a Cultural Context: Term Selection." Words in a Cultural Context: Proceedings of the Lexicography Workshop, September 9-11, 1991. Ed. Anne Pakir. Singapore: Unipress, 1992. 202-214.

Web Site
The WWW Virtual Library: Philosophy. Ed. Dan Brickley. University of Bristol. 12 August 2000. .


Samples of APA Style

[Author(s)]. ([Year of Publication]). [Title of Book] (ed[#]). [Place of Publication]: [Publisher].
Hesen, J., Carpenter, K., Moriber, H., & Milsop, A. (1983). Computers in the business world. Hartford, CT: Capital Press.
Creech, P. J. (1975). Radiology and technology of the absurd (3rd ed.). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.

[Author(s)]. ([Year]). [Article Title]. [Title of Source], [Volume], [Pages].
Heyman, K. (1997). Talk radio, talk net. Yahoo!, 3, 62-83.
Maddux, K. (1997, March). True stories of the internet patrol. NetGuide Magazine, 88-92.

Article from E-Databases
[Author(s)].- [(Year)].- [Article Title].- [Title of Source],- [Volume],- [Pages].- Retrieved [Date of ----Access],- from [Name of database].
Schneiderman, R. A. (1997). Librarians can make sense of the Net. San Antonio. Business Journal, ----11, 58+. Retrieved January 27, 2003, from EBSCOhost.

Articles on Web
[Author(s)]. ([Year]). [Article Title]. [Title of Source]. Retrieved [Date of Access] from [URL].
Klein, Donald F. (1997). Control group in Pharmacoptherapy and psychotherapy evaluations. Treatment, I. Retrieved November 16, 1997 from

Online Speech from a Government Website
[Speaker(s)]. ([Year]). [Speech Title]. [Title of Event the Speech was Delivered]. Retrieved [Date of Access] from the [Government Website] at [URL].
Lim, H. K. (2005). "Managing the liberalization process". Speech Delivered at the Association of Banks AGM Dinner, Singapore, 25 Jun 2005. Retrieved 29 June 2005 from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Policy statements and speeches website at

Personal Interview
([Person’s name], personal communication, [Date of interview])
(R. Wilbur, personal communication, March 28, 1968)

Movie or Videorecording
[Producer]. (Producer), & [Director]. (Director). ([Year]). [Title] [[Motion picture]]. [Place of Filming]: [Company].
Weir, P.B. (Producer), & Harrison, B.F. (Director). (1992). Levels of consciousness [Motion picture]. Boston, MA: Filmways.

Sound Recording
[Writer] ([Date of copyright]). [Title of album] [Medium of recording: CD, record, cassette, etc.]. Location: Label. (Recording date if different than copyright).
McFerrin, Bobby (Vocalist). (1990). Medicine music [Cassette Recording]. Hollywood, CA: EMI - USA.

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Samples of Content Footnotes

Quoted paragraph or text:
". . . the final decision must be made by the consituents" (Smith, 1994, 10).

Reference within the paragraph or text:
According to Philip Jones (1995) summer school should be mandated for any student who fails to maintain a C average.

Provide a blanket citation:
3 For further studies supporting Jones's conclusions see Garrett (1999), Farmer and Willsson (1998, pp. 345-78), and Hart, Bennet, and Karloff (1998).

Give Contrasting Information:
2 On the other hand, Smythone (1987) notes a different result altogether in his work, contending that the overall outcome of Rommel’s appeal was negative because external factors like the progress of the war intervened.

Evaluate a Source:
4 While Berker's (1996) summary implies that Kohlberg's theory of moral development is universal and ungendered, he obviously fails to understand or account for the impact of Kohlberg's failure to include a representative sample of females in his study.

Cite a Major Source Requiring Frequent In-Text Citation:
1 All references to Huckleberry Finn can be found in McMichael, et al. (1990), Concise Anthology.

Explain Methods, Procedures, Tools:
5 The original research group for this anecdotal study of childbirth practices in the early twentieth century were women who had practiced as midwives in New York City between 1900 and 1920. They were limited to those who had registered with the city to practice under the aegis of a licensed doctor.

-----this one i take from duno which internet source. not plagarism please. only easier for people search how to write report

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