Monday, March 24, 2008

The Ah-gua with a heart two size smaller

Patient: I have a heart that has malfunctioned the past 6 months. You see, it has grown smaller in the past 6 months, despite much efforts with radiology and constant panicks from the monster that roams at every corner, 911 had been called, experimental threatments had been done,.even to the point as atheist I had cried out to God for help, but everything was a botch. Medically, I am suffering in a way that is beyond hope. I cannot sleep well, I hear noises that seems to be amplified a thousand fold, I even know what I did last summer perfectly.

So, what heart condition is it? Pettiness my friend.

Pettiness is a sickness that grows like wild thorns. It seeps into your life at a rate that is hard to control. You throw this condition into a enviromentally controlled position with all kinds of pesticides to control it, only to find out days later the thorn outgrew you! They actually become immune and you know somehow, something or somebody won eventually.

Pettiness makes you a loud loser where nobody takes pity on you. Rather, they laugh at you as they comfort you. Your nightmares grow, you hear doors thumping like baboons, and you hear Hecate's voices everywhere. Macbeth's condition is what you are suffering. Or rather, put it in the oriental way: Monkey God goes beg Tang-sen:"Master! Please don't preeech anymore! Wah kia liao!"

In fact, Tang-sen did not do anything. The pettiness amplify to such an extent that you grow a distain for anything that happens. Together with thickness of any possible individual being one can be, the pettiness grows to a point of growling. Welcome to my past 6 months, doc.

Who can cure me now?

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