Friday, December 07, 2007

The Bunny tooth Barber Haircut

I was walking along with Auntie Liew around my area last weekend. Nothing much, just a casual walk to pass time and get familiar with the neighbourhood we are staying in. Located in the heart of Xuhui District, Luwan and Jingan District, our area is basically where the French Concession lies.

We managed to find a couple of grocery stores and mini-marts, wine stores along the way, meaning we need not go to far away Carrefour and Walmarts to do our groceries anymore. Things are a little more expensive in the area, but taking a long trip in cab or metro basically means up-ping the costs anyway.

When we are about to leave, Auntie Liew decided to do her haircut in this Chinese Barber Shop in our district. I seriously have no idea where her courage come from. This barber was attending to her needs. I guess she resented her idea at that moment.

The Barber was serious and rather stressful being taken pictures off. He tried to looked professional. I can feel he was extremely uneasy throughout the 10 minute haircut sesssion.

So I decide to give him free publicity. If anyone is looking for a buck tooth barber in old Shanghai district, here's one for you. You can find him in Anfu road. Haicut costs 10Rmb and shampooing your hair another 10. Have fun messing around his bunny teeth!

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